Amigo Pierre
Esperamos que hayais tenido un feliz Camino Mozarabe, ha sido un placer compartir un par de etapas con vosotros y estoy encantado que os hayais encontrado bien en estas tierras andaluzas.
Cordialmente Miguel y Andrea.
Hola Miguel y Andrea ! Que alegria de leer su mensaje ! Hemos terminado en Merida como previsto, realmente encantados de nuestro recorrido a traves de Andalucia y Extremadura. Nuestra pequena cena juntos en Alcaracejos quedara en buen sitio en nuestra memoria.
Espero volver a encontrarles un dia en Saint Jean Pied de Port. Un abrazo afectuoso a los dos. Pierre.
ps : si que mis padres han ido de vacaciones al P.Espada (me lo confirmaron), pero era hace anos….
Nadia and Pierre, merci beaucoup !
We tought our full backpacks were lost on the airline trip from USA. Your fine shop had every thing we need to replace our gear and clothing. It was all the same brands and quality of our carefully selected original gear, and the prices were the same or lower than we paid at home !
Thanks for all your considerate help and very friendly encouragement.
Fortunately, our bags finally arrived. Buen Camino !
we visited your shop eastern and were asking for information about the GR10 from SJPDP to Irun.
Thank you very much for the excellent advice. We needed 4 days till Irun and were totally impressed by the beauty of the mountains and the big birds.
We were putting our tent on top of the mountains and experienced amazing sunrises!!!!
I am sure, our next trip will be GR 10 or HRP.
Thanks a lot and maybe one day we will meet in Nepal
Dirk with his «low maintenance woman» Adela
from Germany, Black Forest
This store has quality products, fair prices and great service. Absolutely love the Leki TravellerAlu poles- they were perfect and a lifesaver that first day. And the instructional tutorial was very helpful. You are a blessing for the pilgrims.
Thank you!
Just wanted to say Thank You for helping us out when we arrived at your shop on Tuesday, September 3. My husband’s backpack did not arrive with our flight to Paris.
And unfortunately we were not receiving any type of help from the airline. So we decided to continue on to St Jean and find a store to outfit him with the basics so that we could start our walk.
We were so lucky to find your shop! You were more than helpful and compassionate. You even encouraged us to start our walk (late in the day) so that we did not lose our reservation at Orisson.
Just wanted to let you know that we made it to Orisson in time for supper and also 36 days later arrived in Santiago de Compostela.
En 2029, j avais acheté par hasard une paire de chaussures identiques celles que j avais ; ce qui m avait permis de découvrir cette boutique. J y suis revenue cette année pour acheter un sac afin de poursuivre le Chemin vers Santiago. J ai trouvé mon bonheur : un sac léger, adapté à ma physiologie et très fonctionnel. Cette boutique propose de nombreux produits de très bonnes qualités. Certes c est plus cher que chez D……….. mais les conseils sont précis. Alors pour vivre sereinement et confortablement le Chemin, le prix est justifié. Je recommande vivement cette boutique !! Une pèlerine heureuse !
Super boutique avec un accueil très sympa et un patron très serviable !
Nous avons acheté un livre, un chapeau et une carte et nous avons eu en prime quatre parcours de rando que nous avons fiât et qui sont super et superbes !
Merci pour les conseils
Merci pour tous vos bons conseils, spécialement pour les bâtons et dragonnes et silent-blocks achetés chez vous.
A propos de ces silent-blocks (que j’ai usé prématurément) , je me suis amusé à ecrire une lettre «à mon vendeur de silent-block» pour expliquer pourquoi ils n’ont faits «que» 500 kms.
Je l’ai publié dans mon journal FaceBook (voir lien ci-dessous), sans vous nommer car il existe encore des gens qui (sur)vivent sans humour (si, si… ) et prendraient l’affaire au sérieux
My review is 4 years too late but the wonderful experience stuck with me. In May 2019 i turned up at this wonderful shop to rather spontaneously (and probably naively) undertake the first section of the Camino de Santiago, whilst travelling in Europe. The owner was unbelievably helpful. She guided in me what I should buy and what was okay to go without. I bought an entire new hiking bag which (second to following Jesus) was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. My camino would have been DISASTROUS without changing the awful painful bag that I had. The lady advised me on which rucksack to get and the one I bought is truly wonderful and I still have today, having taken all over the world (I also spotted the same bag on season 1 of Race Across the World). She even helped me donate my old bag. Under her expert advice, I bought lots of other things at this lovely shop which I still have including an foldable inside bag which I still have and take to work at the hospital. And some lovely crocs flip flops which I truly love and are still treating me well despite having used them extensively all over the world. Thank you so much!!
I had such a lovely experience at your shop that I had to post even after all these years. I highly recommend everyone visit this shop. Buen Camino
Bonjour, merci pour votre super idée…pour le sac Osprey de 90l qui contient nos sacs 40l et 35 l quand nous voulons les faire transporter… sur le Camino. Bien cordialement JPS
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Amigo Pierre
Esperamos que hayais tenido un feliz Camino Mozarabe, ha sido un placer compartir un par de etapas con vosotros y estoy encantado que os hayais encontrado bien en estas tierras andaluzas.
Cordialmente Miguel y Andrea.
Hola Miguel y Andrea ! Que alegria de leer su mensaje ! Hemos terminado en Merida como previsto, realmente encantados de nuestro recorrido a traves de Andalucia y Extremadura. Nuestra pequena cena juntos en Alcaracejos quedara en buen sitio en nuestra memoria.
Espero volver a encontrarles un dia en Saint Jean Pied de Port. Un abrazo afectuoso a los dos. Pierre.
ps : si que mis padres han ido de vacaciones al P.Espada (me lo confirmaron), pero era hace anos….
Nadia and Pierre, merci beaucoup !
We tought our full backpacks were lost on the airline trip from USA. Your fine shop had every thing we need to replace our gear and clothing. It was all the same brands and quality of our carefully selected original gear, and the prices were the same or lower than we paid at home !
Thanks for all your considerate help and very friendly encouragement.
Fortunately, our bags finally arrived. Buen Camino !
Hello Nadia and Pierre,
we visited your shop eastern and were asking for information about the GR10 from SJPDP to Irun.
Thank you very much for the excellent advice. We needed 4 days till Irun and were totally impressed by the beauty of the mountains and the big birds.
We were putting our tent on top of the mountains and experienced amazing sunrises!!!!
I am sure, our next trip will be GR 10 or HRP.
Thanks a lot and maybe one day we will meet in Nepal
Dirk with his «low maintenance woman» Adela
from Germany, Black Forest
Thank you for your message
This store has quality products, fair prices and great service. Absolutely love the Leki TravellerAlu poles- they were perfect and a lifesaver that first day. And the instructional tutorial was very helpful. You are a blessing for the pilgrims.
Thank you!
Thank you for your message
Just wanted to say Thank You for helping us out when we arrived at your shop on Tuesday, September 3. My husband’s backpack did not arrive with our flight to Paris.
And unfortunately we were not receiving any type of help from the airline. So we decided to continue on to St Jean and find a store to outfit him with the basics so that we could start our walk.
We were so lucky to find your shop! You were more than helpful and compassionate. You even encouraged us to start our walk (late in the day) so that we did not lose our reservation at Orisson.
Just wanted to let you know that we made it to Orisson in time for supper and also 36 days later arrived in Santiago de Compostela.
Thank you once again,
Cheryl and David
thank you for your trust
En 2029, j avais acheté par hasard une paire de chaussures identiques celles que j avais ; ce qui m avait permis de découvrir cette boutique. J y suis revenue cette année pour acheter un sac afin de poursuivre le Chemin vers Santiago. J ai trouvé mon bonheur : un sac léger, adapté à ma physiologie et très fonctionnel. Cette boutique propose de nombreux produits de très bonnes qualités. Certes c est plus cher que chez D……….. mais les conseils sont précis. Alors pour vivre sereinement et confortablement le Chemin, le prix est justifié. Je recommande vivement cette boutique !! Une pèlerine heureuse !
Super boutique avec un accueil très sympa et un patron très serviable !
Nous avons acheté un livre, un chapeau et une carte et nous avons eu en prime quatre parcours de rando que nous avons fiât et qui sont super et superbes !
Merci pour les conseils
Merci pour tous vos bons conseils, spécialement pour les bâtons et dragonnes et silent-blocks achetés chez vous.
A propos de ces silent-blocks (que j’ai usé prématurément) , je me suis amusé à ecrire une lettre «à mon vendeur de silent-block» pour expliquer pourquoi ils n’ont faits «que» 500 kms.
Je l’ai publié dans mon journal FaceBook (voir lien ci-dessous), sans vous nommer car il existe encore des gens qui (sur)vivent sans humour (si, si… ) et prendraient l’affaire au sérieux
Et pour moi tout va bien, le chemin continue.

D’ailleurs j’avais acheté 2 paires de ces fameux silent-blocks.
Meilleures salutations du Chemin.
Vincent Chappet alias Jubilador Jubilador sur fb
My review is 4 years too late but the wonderful experience stuck with me. In May 2019 i turned up at this wonderful shop to rather spontaneously (and probably naively) undertake the first section of the Camino de Santiago, whilst travelling in Europe. The owner was unbelievably helpful. She guided in me what I should buy and what was okay to go without. I bought an entire new hiking bag which (second to following Jesus) was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. My camino would have been DISASTROUS without changing the awful painful bag that I had. The lady advised me on which rucksack to get and the one I bought is truly wonderful and I still have today, having taken all over the world (I also spotted the same bag on season 1 of Race Across the World). She even helped me donate my old bag. Under her expert advice, I bought lots of other things at this lovely shop which I still have including an foldable inside bag which I still have and take to work at the hospital. And some lovely crocs flip flops which I truly love and are still treating me well despite having used them extensively all over the world. Thank you so much!!
I had such a lovely experience at your shop that I had to post even after all these years. I highly recommend everyone visit this shop. Buen Camino
Bonjour, merci pour votre super idée…
pour le sac Osprey de 90l qui contient nos sacs 40l et 35 l quand nous voulons les faire transporter… sur le Camino. Bien cordialement